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Brilliant demo! Its really enjoyable climbing through the dungeon and think you're heading in the right direction with this.

IMO the controls felt a little off. Perhaps it would map better to a controller however having IJKL to control the camera didn't feed natural. I'd like to use my mouse to control the camera. This plus the camera drifting when you move/walls get in the way meant I found myself wrestling with the camera quite a bit.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed climbing through it!

Camera controls are something that I'm definitely going to come back to.  Moving the camera to the mouse seems to be the consensus in feedback so far, so I'll look at moving that across and getting it feeling right!

Thanks for playing through it! :D

Awesome demo with some really cool mechanics!

This test level really shows off what you can do and eases you into things, really fun to play :)

Thank you so much!  I'm glad you like the mechanics!

I wanted to introduce each mechanic individually, then ramp up to combining them in different rooms, so I'm really happy you mentioned that!

Thanks for playing through it! :D